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The Disability Services Commissioner (DSC) is an independent oversight body resolving complaints and promoting the right of people with a disability to be free from abuse. Our complaints service is independent, free and easily accessible.
What can a complaint be about?
A complaint to DSC can be about:
- the disability services a person receives; or
- how a disability service provider has handled a complaint.
We receive complaints and enquiries about services provided by Victorian disability service providers. This includes disability services that are funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) including disability forensic program. We also receive enquiries and complaints about the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).
If you are not sure whether we can assist you with your complaint, you can still contact us. If we can’t handle your complaint, we will help you find the most appropriate place to go.
Who can make a complaint or enquiry?
Anyone can contact us. You may be a:
- person with disability
- family member or friend of someone with disability
- staff member
- carer
- member of the community.
Everyone has the right to make a complaint.
What can happen as a result of making a complaint?
Making a complaint can lead to improved supports, communication and sometimes changes to policies and the way services are delivered. Through making a complaint you may receive:
Your views can be heard and the service provider can recognise your concerns and how the situation has affected you.
You can receive an explanation of what happened or information that may be needed to address your concerns.
You can ask for things to be done to address your concerns and to improve services.
For some people, a genuine apology may be all or part of what is sought.
What information will DSC require?
We ask that you provide us with information to help us understand your concerns.
This includes:
- what your complaint is about
- who is involved
- what you want to happen.
In most cases, you will be asked to give your name and contact details, though you can choose to stay anonymous.
We will email or send you a letter confirming the issues in your complaint and the outcomes you are seeking.
You may withdraw a complaint at any time by telling us.
Will it cost me anything to make a complaint?
No. Our complaints service is free. We can also arrange for free interpreters if required.
Will I be disadvantaged if I make a complaint?
It is an offence to threaten or intimidate a person who wishes to make a complaint to DSC.
We will work closely with you and the service provider to ensure that you are not disadvantaged in any way. The service provider is responsible for taking steps to safeguard your right to complain. If you have any concerns about making a complaint, please talk to us.
Why should I make a complaint?
It’s important that service providers know when you aren’t happy. This helps them make changes that will make things better for everyone. We encourage you to speak to your service provider first to try to resolve your complaint.
If you bring your complaint to DSC, we will work with you and the service provider to try to resolve the complaint. We refer to the requirements and standards in the Disability Act 2006, and look into what steps could be taken to resolve the issues raised.
Making a complaint is a great way to improve services.
Contact us to make a complaint
Phone (preferred): 1800 677 342 (free call from landlines)
Fax: 03 8608 5765
National Relay Service: then 1800 677 342
Please note that DSC collects and uses personal and health information. More information can be found here:
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