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Abuse prevention forum: resources and downloads

Thank you to everyone who attended our forum ‘Preventing and Responding to Abuse: Guidance for Victorian disability service providers’ on 12 September 2017.

With over 400 attendees and a dozen speakers, this forum was just the start of DSC’s work in promoting best practice in preventing and responding to abuse in disability services.

The event was really well organised. The speakers were extremely insightful. A lot of information and tools provided and will be now implemented to improve our organisation’s safeguards. Thank you DSC for organising.

Service provider who attended the forum

Resources and downloads

You can connect with the content of the day by downloading any of the below resources or by viewing videos of the plenary sessions.

Powerpoint presentations

  1. Professor Peter Oakes, Staffordshire University
    Making the most of it: International perspectives on safeguarding frameworks and the move to individualised funding (PDF, 1MB)
  2. Miranda Bruyniks, Deputy Commissioner, Disability Services Commissioner
    Safeguards against abuse and neglect in Victorian disability services (PDF, 213KB)
  3. Colleen Pearce, Public Advocate
    Safeguarding the rights of people with disability who have no guardian (PDF, 28KB)
  4. Arthur Rogers, Special Advisor NDIS Reform, Department of Premier and Cabinet
    NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission (PDF, 128KB)
  5. Workshop: Steve Kinmond, Deputy Ombudsman and NSW Community and Disability Services Commissioner, NSW Ombudsman
    Learning from reviews of incidents and deaths: strategies for preventing abuse and neglect
  6. Workshop: Peter Oakes, Staffordshire University
    Indicators of Concern (PDF, 84KB)
    Related resource: Guide to Early Indicators of Concern in Residential Support Services for People with Learning Disabilities (PDF, 712KB)


Download closed captions file for Lyn Rowe’s presentation (DOC, 21KB)

Download closed captions file for Peter Oakes’s presentation (DOC, 35KB)

Download closed captions file for the panel discussion (DOC, 42KB)

Download closed captions file for Miranda Bruyniks’s presentation (DOC, 31KB)

Download closed captions file for Peter Oakes’s workshop (DOC, 39KB)

Download closed captions file for Colleen Pearce’s presentation (DOC, 24KB)

Download closed captions file for Arthur Rogers’s presentation (DOC, 30KB)

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the above resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Level 30, 570 Bourke Street,

Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

Call for enquiries or complaints - 1800 677 342

Email for enquiries or complaints - complaints@odsc.vic.gov.au