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The COVID-19 restrictions are changing

29th October 2020

Victoria’s COVID-19 restrictions have changed to allow more visits to friends and family at home. Shops are reopening with limits on the number of people who can enter the shop at a time, cafes and hospitality businesses can start having patrons sit at their business.

These new restrictions are exciting and will allow us to have a great Summer. However, we all need to continue to:

  • practice good hygiene
  • maintain physical distancing, keep at least 1.5 metres away from others
  • help continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 by getting tested, even if you have mild symptoms
  • stay home and avoid contact if you’re feeling unwell
  • take care wherever you go, assume others may be carrying the virus.

As of 27 October 2020 – the current restrictions are

Face masks are still mandatory

  • All Victorians must wear a fitted face mask when they leave home, no matter where they live
  • When you leave home, you must wear a fitted face mask, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.


  • The rule is one visit per household per day. This means one household of up to two adults, plus their dependents, can visit another household in Melbourne
  • Because this is based on a single household visiting one other house, people living in group homes or shared accommodation will need to work with the people they live with to make sure there is only one visit each day. Talk to the people in your house to make sure everyone knows when there will be visitors, and to ensure everyone has a chance to see the people they miss
  • You can’t have someone over to your house, and then go out to visit someone else
  • There is strict limit of one visit either from or to your household each day.

Visiting a care facility

  • The restrictions for visiting a care facility include limits on who can visit and the time and number of visits
  • For parents, guardians or temporary carers of a resident under the age of 18, one visitor at a time is allowed, with no limit on duration or number of visits allowed
  • For parent, guardian, carer, partner or support person (for example a friend or sibling), of a resident aged 18 years or over, visits to provide emotional and social support that is unable to be delivered via electronic means is allowed for one visitor per day, for a maximum of two hours
  • Visits to learn how to support a resident’s care upon discharge is limited to one visitor, for one visit per day for up to two hours.
  • Visits for end of life care for a resident of the facility is limited to two visitors at a time, with no limit on duration or number of visits.

For full details of these restrictions please visit dhhs.vic.gov.au/visiting-care-facilities-covid-19.

Going out

  • You can leave home for any period of time to exercise or see friends and family outdoors
  • There are no limits on the number of times you can leave home
  • You can meet in a group of up to ten people from a maximum of two households outdoors in a public place to socialise
  • The reasons for going out remain, including shopping, socialising or exercise, permitted work or education, caregiving and compassionate reasons, or to seek medical treatment.


  • All retail stores will be allowed to reopen
  • Hospitality businesses will be allowed to seat patrons, including inside.

Stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 restrictions by visiting dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.

Level 30, 570 Bourke Street,

Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

Call for enquiries or complaints - 1800 677 342

Email for enquiries or complaints - complaints@odsc.vic.gov.au